dinsdag 3 augustus 2010

Gataka - She Is Still Here

Please do not ignore this message(important, urgent)
Sorry about the dramatic subject line but I needed to grab your attention. I have been fortunate enough to get a website passed on to me by a wonderful lightworker.
This is a healing website that has left me speechless. It is a 24 minute self healing video that resonates with me down to the core of my being. I am asking you to
do yourself a favor and take 25 minutes out of your life and go through the expierence. It is quite profound and will help you on your journey, what ever that may be.
Please, please check this out. My only regret is that I didn't do this sooner. Expand your awarness, your consciousness, be what you are destined to be.
You are loved in oneness of all that is.


maandag 2 augustus 2010

Please do not ignore this message(important, urgent)

Sorry about the dramatic subject line but I needed to grab your attention. I have been fortunate enough to get a website passed on to me by a wonderful lightworker.
This is a healing website that has left me speechless. It is a 24 minute self healing video that resonates with me down to the core of my being. I am asking you to
do yourself a favor and take 25 minutes out of your life and go through the expierence. It is quite profound and will help you on your journey, what ever that may be.
Please, please check this out. My only regret is that I didn't do this sooner. Expand your awarness, your consciousness, be what you are destined to be.
You are loved in oneness of all that is.


Midnight Zohar Lesson - August 1, 2010 - Kabbalah Channel

Midnight Zohar Lesson - August 1, 2010 - Kabbalah Channel

The Ethos Solaris

The Ethos Solaris

Galactic Federation Of Light Master Hilarion August 1 2010