zaterdag 30 april 2011
Inventor Survives 10 Murder Attempts to Release World Changing Technolog...
Mister X will reveal his real identify and all the technical details of his invention that is already running his own car and truck on nothing but water! He has put over 8500 miles on his Dodge Truck and he's running the truck on nothing but water! Mister X will also discuss how similar technology can power a house completely off the grid. He has given me permission to release the information in this article for now until he can talk directly to the people next Wednesday with many exciting developments.
The system Mister X will release to the world lets you fill up your tank with 98% water and 2% fuel. He says the fuel is only used to keep moisture from hurting some of the components that were not designed to be exposed to water all the time. Filling up with just 2% fuel keeps the system from being corroded by water. Eventually it will be 100% water powered as components in engines and fuel systems are changed out to not degrade being exposed to water.
Mister X says we haven't needed oil for many decades now and what he's done has actually been done many times before. But every other time, the inventors either got bought out or were killed! In fact, Mister X has had 10 attempts on his life but credits God for protecting him each time. Mister X reports that the last attempt was a bioweapon that he was able to defeat using a product called MMS that I cover extensively in my booklet, "Suppressed Health Secrets" that you can find in the "Natural Cures" area of
Mister X was even offered $1 billion in cash from an oil producing country to walk away from this invention! But through his strong belief that God wants him to release this technology to the people he refused to sell out and made sure that this time the technology would not be suppressed in any way.
I've been personally interested in researching various cars that ran on water but later disappeared. I recently met a shop owner that reported how he met an inventor that lived near Gainesville Florida about 14 years ago. This inventor also had a car running on water. This shop owner saw the vehicle and met the man in his store. The inventor had just sold the technology to Ford Motor Company and of course we never heard of it again! Clearly the car companies have been in bed with the oil companies all along and have been key in the suppression of this important technology. Ford Motor company shelving the technology they bought to run cars on water proves this point.
Here's the reality. We don't need to go to war anymore over oil. We don't need to destroy our Gulf of Mexico beaches with oil. We don't need to have high food prices because of high gasoline prices. With essentially free fuel comes basically free transportation of goods and people which will inject trillions into the world economy. We will experience the biggest economic boom in all history as vehicles are converted to run on water!
This is all I can report at this time. All I can tell you is to pray for the safety of Mister X. He has told me that even if they killed him now, he's put the information on how to do this in so many hands that it cannot be stopped anymore. He was very insistent that he had his bases covered and this technology would be released no matter what happened to him.
Once again, Mister X and his incredible technology that allows you to run your car or truck on water will be revealed in a world exclusive interview on Wednesday, May 4th at 10pm EST (USA) on the "Late Night in the Midlands" radio show that you can hear live on the streaming players at and Tell everybody you know so we can make this information go viral around the world.
Let's make sure to give Mister X a big welcome on "Late Night in the Midlands" and remember 2011 as the year when the lies about oil came tumbling down! We don't need oil anymore! Pass the word!
zondag 24 april 2011
YouTube - Into The Fire - Full Film
Van: weavingspider | Gemaakt op: 20 apr 2011
Press For Truth Presents Into The Fire
World leaders and activists from around the world gathered for the G20 Summit. With over 19,000 police officers and security personnel on hand, the results lead to over 1100 arrests, martial law in downtown Toronto, and the most massive violation of civil liberties in Canadian history.
Into The Fire
The whole world is watching.
Into The Fire on DVD has over 2 hours of extras including never before seen footage of Charlie Veitch in Toronto, deleted scenes, extended interviews, a making of the soundtrack special feature and much more!
Please support the film makers by getting your copy on DVD. Burn copies and hand them out to your friends, family members and total strangers!
Directed by Dan Dicks
Produced by Steven Davies Bryan Law and Dan Dicks
For more information visit:
zaterdag 23 april 2011
18 of Nature’s Most Powerful Medicinal Plants | WebEcoist
18 of Nature’s Most Powerful Medicinal Plants
By Ecoist in Food & Health, Home & Garden, Nature & Ecosystems
(Part of an Exclusive WebEcoist Series on Amazing Trees, Plants, Forests and Flowers)
Images via Current and Street Knowledge
Seriously. Though marijuana is still illegal in the United States, it is legal in 12 states for medicinal purposes, and if a case of poison ivy in the woods isn’t a medicinal purpose, what is? Marijuana was *mostly* legal until 1970 when it became classified as a hard drug. No one thought of it as a dangerous or illicit drug until the 20th century; in fact, hemp was George Washington’s primary crop and Thomas Jefferson’s secondary crop. The Declaration of Independence is written on it; the Gutenberg Bible was printed on hemp, too. There’s actually an environmental dimension to legalizing marijuana – hemp is a remarkable and renewable plant, offering all kinds of foodstuff and product uses that surpass cotton and plastic. But health benefits are well documented, from depression and anxiety relief to reduced blood pressure, pain alleviation and glaucoma treatment. It is not addictive, does not kill brain cells and is not a “gateway” drug – in fact, when pot is more available, studies show that the use of hard drugs like heroin and cocaine actually decreases. The bottom line for hikers: when your leg is broken from a misjudged boulder hopping attempt (pain) and a bear has eaten your friend (depression) and you’re lost because you forgot the compass (dumbass), consult the cannabis.
Lady Ferns
Image via US Forest Service
If you grew up in the Pacific Northwest you likely know what ferns are good for: treating stinging nettles. One of the world’s oldest plants, there are many varieties of ferns, but if you’re lucky enough to spy the soft, delicate lady fern, grab some and roll it up between your palms into a rough mash. The juices released will quickly ease stinging nettle burns and can also ease minor cuts, stings and burns (fresh salt water also works in a pinch for bee stings). Bracken fern are similar to lady fern and will work, as well. The rougher, glossier, stiff sword fern and deer fern won’t be as effective, though. (Learn abouttypes of ferns.) Lady ferns actually grow all over North America but are common in areas with high rainfall.
California Poppy
Images via Netstate and Mountain Meadow Seeds
The brilliant blooms of the poppy make this opioid plant an iconic one. The plant is an effective nervine (anxiety reliever) and is safe for use on agitated children. Can be made into a a tea for quick relief of nervousness and tension. A stronger decoction will offer pain relief. (A decoction is made by “stewing” all safe plant parts, including stems and roots if possible, in water for several hours and, ideally, soaking overnight.)
Blood Flower
Image via Mistifarang
The blood flower (also Mexican butterfly weed) is a type of tropical milkweed with toxic milky sap that is emetic (it makes you hurl). It’s also historically favored as a heart stimulant and worm expellent. Pretty useful for a number of potential hiking disasters, if you think about it. (Of course, if you’d quit eating those poisonous berries you probably wouldn’t need to worry about finding a natural expectorant.)
Image via Earth Heart Farm
If you’ve decided to backpack through Europe instead of the mountains of Mexico (but why?), you’ll want to know about a few helpful medicinal plants. Tansy is an old-world aster and remedy, used for flavoring beer and stews as well as repelling insects. Rubbing the leaves on the skin provides an effective bug repellent, but tansy can also be used to treat worms. It is said to be poisonous when extracted, but a few leaves are not harmful if ingested.
Korean Mint (hyssop)
Image via Herb Gully
Who doesn’t want to be minty fresh? Most of the various types of “mint” or mentha – spearmint, Korean mint, applemint, regular old mint – offer reported health benefits and medicinal properties. (Avoid pennyroyal, as it’s poisonous.) Mint is famous for soothing headaches, fighting nausea, calming the stomach and reducing nervousness and fatigue. Korean mint, also called Indian mint and hyssop, is a fairly effective antiviral, making it useful for fighting colds and the flu. Whatever continent you’re on, some type of mint is usually to be found. Eat whole, garnish food or make tea to get the all purpose health benefits.
Image via In Advance
Alfalfa is fodder for livestock for a reason: it’s incredibly rich in minerals and health-promoting nutrients and compounds. With roots that grow 20 to 30 feet deep, alfalfa is considered the “father of all plants”. (It also contains a high amount of protein for a green.) Alfalfa originally grew in the Mediterranean and Middle East but has now spread to most of Europe and the Americans. It can treat morning sickness, nausea, kidney stones, kidney pain and urinary discomfort. It is a powerful diuretic and has a bit of stimulant power, helping to energize after a bout with illness. It’s a liver and bowel cleanser and long-term can help reduce cholesterol. You can purchase seeds and sprouts, but it’s fine to eat the leaves straight from the earth.
Images via UCC
The cannabis of the cat kingdom. Famous for making cats deliriously crazy, catnip has health properties that are great for humans, too. Catnip can relieve cold symptoms (helpful if you’re on a camping trip and don’t have access to Nyquil). It’s useful in breaking a fever as it promotes sweating. Catnip also helps stop excessive bleeding andswelling when applied rather than ingested. This mint plant (yep, another one) is also reportedly helpful in treating gas, stomach aches, and migraines. Catnip can stimulate uterine contractions, so it should not be consumed by pregnant women. It grows in the Northern Hemisphere.
Image via Palestine Shop
Sage is an incredibly useful herb, widely considered to be perhaps the most valuable herb. It is anti-flammatory, anti-oxidant, and antifungal. In fact, according to the noted resource World’s Healthiest Foods, “Its reputation as a panacea is even represented in its scientific name, Salvia officinalis, derived from the Latin word, salvere, which means ‘to be saved’.” It was used as a preservative for meat before the advent of refrigeration (eminently useful: you never know when you’ll be forced to hunt in the wild). Sage aids digestion, relieves cramps, reduces diarrhea, dries up phlegm, fights colds, reduces inflammation and swelling, acts as a salve for cuts and burns, and kills bacteria. Sage apparently even brings color back to gray hair. A definite concern when lost in the woods.
Image via Old Ice Works
Did you know blackberries have useful healing properties? Of course they’re loaded in antioxidants and vitamins, but the leaves and roots have value, too. Native Americans have long used the stems and leaves for healing, while enjoying the young shoots peeled as a vegetable of sorts and the berries, either raw or in jams. The leaves and root can be used as an effective treatment against dysentery and diarrhea as well as serving usefulness as an anti-inflammatory and astringent. Ideal for treating cuts and inflammation in the mouth.
Wild Quinine
Image via Stone Silo Prairie Gardens
According to Alternative Nature Online, wild quinine is a potent herb that “is used as an antiperiodic, emmenagogue, kidney, lithontripic, poultice. It has traditionally been used in alternative medicine to treat debility, fatigue, respiratory infection, gastrointestinal infection, and venereal disease.” Whatever the ailment, quinine is famously helpful in treating it. Only the root and flowers are edible; avoid the plant.
Navajo Tea
Image via Birds ‘n Garden
Also called greenthread, Plains Tea or Coyote Plant, this plant has been used for centuries by Native Americans to quickly relieve that most brutal and irritating of infections: the UTI (urinary tract infection). Best when made into a tea or decoction.
Red Clover
Image via Foxy Island
Native to Europe, Northern Africa and Western Asia, red clover is now ubiquitous worldwide. The plant’s reddish pink blossoms can be used for coughs and colds, but they are an excellent detoxifier and blood cleanser as well.
Sweet Marjoram
Images via Tasteful Garden and Veseys
Marjoram and oregano are often used interchangeably, but the aromatic sweet marjoram is slightly different. The Greeks called it the “Joy of the Mountain” and it was revered throughout the Mediterranean for its fragrance, flavor and medicinal value. The famous French herbs de provence and Middle Eastern za’atar both use sweet marjoram. Marjoram has many uses (it’s a famous digestive aid) but it is effective as an antifungal, antibacterial and disinfectant treatment in a pinch.
Burdock Herb
Images via Norman Allen and Ontario Wildflowers
Burdock, or cocklebur, is a prickly, thistle-like plant that grows commonly in many parts of the world. It can get fairly big and its leaves resemble the elephant ear plant. Though the burs often get caught in pets’ and livestock’s fur, don’t think of it only as an annoying plant. It is a highly effective treatment against poison ivy and poison oak (claims that it cures cancer are slightly *less* substantiated).
Image via Earth Heart Farm
Feverfew is a plant that has well-known and documented health properties and medicinal benefits. This anti-inflammatory can treat rheumatism, arthritis and, most famously, migraine headaches and tension headaches. It’s also good for alleviating tension and general anxiety (it is a natural serotonin inhibitor). It also helps to reduce swelling and bruising. Though feverfew is most effective when taken daily, it can be a helpful pain reliever when no Advil is on hand.
Sweet Violet
Image via Firefly Forest
Native to Europe and Asia, sweet violet is cultivated around the world and is a pleasant, delicate purple color. When brewed into a syrup the plant is effective as a treatment for colds, flu and coughs or sore throat. However, when made as a tea, it is wonderfully effective for relieving headaches and muscle and body pain.
Winter Savory
Image via CGNA
Winter savory is your savior against insect bites and stings. One of the most effective natural plant treatments for bug bites is originally from Europe and the Mediterranean but often shows up elsewhere thanks to global trade. In addition to being an antiseptic, it is delicious – used for flavoring meats and stews – and all parts are edible.
With so many amazing medicinal plants on the planet, be sure to look for future posts covering more. Feel free to submit your own request or share your botanical knowledge in the comments.
* Disclaimer: the content of this post is for informational and entertainment purposes only and should not be considered qualified medical advice. Always consult an expert before consuming or applying any foreign substance or material. Also, don’t do drugs.
Click Here for Even More Amazing Plants:
16 of the World’s Weirdest Endangered Trees, Plants and Flowers
16 of the Most Unassuming but Deadly Poisonous Plants
20 Beautiful but Endangered Forests from Around the World
Bonus: 10 Deliciously Exotic but Edible Fruits and Vegetables