zaterdag 13 november 2010



Dan Burisch was a member of MJ12, being groomed since birth, more or less. An abductee,contactee and one of the few humans to actually work with ets, namely a J-Rod, which is apparently a version of us, but 45000 or 52000 years in the future, who came back to try and...well,you read his story, in his book "Eagles Disobey"...when i looked yesterday ebay had 1 copy @ $248
..."For many years before this, Marcia had mounted a campaign to get Dan free from Majestic, but it was stopped at every turn. Eventually Marcia gathered support from inside the BlackOps community, and these insiders did what they could to help. Many of those insiders disappeared, and some even lost their lives in the process, but after years of struggle, Dan was still a virtual prisoner - unable to move freely, see whom he wished, or live any kind of a normal life.

Majestic pulled out all the stops, even moving him half way across the country after employing cutting-edge technology to suppress his memories about his struggle to be free (more about that in Dan's short biography - below), in order to keep him "in line". They finally discovered that a person's spirit cannot be defeated when that person demands their freedom, and is willing to die rather than give in. This forced them to change their tactics. They returned Dan back to Las Vegas and allowed limited contact between he and Marcia. This worked for a while, but Dan was not about to live the rest of his life this way. Eventually they inducted Marcia into Majestic, to make it possible for them to work together on various projects, and to loose the restrictions on his movements. Clearly, Marcia was being moved into position slowly, but for what, they did not know. Marcia began to have opportunities to move into restricted areas, was given unprecedented access to archival and documentary material, and was eventually brought in farther and farther to the BlackOps community.

Finally, after a number of years, Marcia recieved a set of orders from the head of Majestic, that instructed Dan and she to "Tell the World" the truth about the extraterrestrial presence here on Earth, exactly as Dan knew it from personal experience and his interaction with the J-Rod that was housed in the lab facilities beneath S-4. Majestic was retiring to this purpose in advance of the change over of power to the new group. Dan and Marcia had a specific amount of time to accomplish this task, and then if successful, they both could be retired from Majestic, and go on to enjoy the rest of their personal lives.

One day, while looking through images of Mars in the NSSDC (NASA gallery) Dan spotted something that looked like another face on the Martian surface, in the area called "Inca City". During 1997 and 1998 Dan worked with Marcia McDowell on a book called "Eagles Disobey: The Case for Inca City, Mars". The fact that he was writing this book, and finding an amazing number of anomalies in this previously ignored region, had many in Majestic sitting up and taking notice. They again pressed him for information about what the J-Rod shared with him, and whether it had anything to do with his discoveries. Dan still refused to tell them anything. Then NASA announced that they had discovered evidence of life in a Martian meteorite, which Dan reviewed and found suspiciously similar to a small microbe discovered by one of the NASA panelists 30 years previously in Australia, and immediately went on record challenging NASA's announcement.

As our work grew closer to publication, and became more volatile, the threats started. It was a very difficult time, as both Dan and I were afraid for ourselves as well as our loved ones, but we decided to push forward, regardless of the risk. Finally the Committee of the Majority (the body that had superceded Majestic-12 for a time, ending in approx. 2002) utterly frustrated with Dan's refusal to be stopped, issued a demand that Dan stop his work on the book. We later learned that they were afraid of how close we were coming to issues concerning the doctrine of convergent time line paradox (the problems that had been caused by the J-Rods who were using their technology to travel back in time, and thereby creating overlaying time anomalies). Of course, Dan refused. The book was published and released in late 1998. Almost immediately the Committee took action against Dan, causing his Ph.D degree to be vacated. (This was not all that difficult for them, since Majestic had brokered the deal for his schooling to the Ph.D level in the first place, so they controlled the 'playing field'.) The loss of his credential hit Dan so hard that he suffered a heart attack and was hospitalized."...from ..namaste...b.

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