vrijdag 19 november 2010

The Secret of Secrets

Ormus - Spiritual and Medicinal Gold With Incredible Healing Potential

Ormus - Spiritual and Medicinal Gold With Incredible Healing Potential

Ormus - Spiritual and Medicinal Gold With Incredible Healing Potential

Sunday, February 24, 2008 by: Mike Donkers, citizen journalist
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(NaturalNews) Ormus, also known as ORMEs, m-state elements, white powder gold, or the Philosopher's Stone, was discovered in 1975 by an Arizona farmer named David Hudson. He discovered some material in his soil that he had never seen before. He laid it out to dry in the hot Arizona sun so he could have it analyzed. What happened next was absolutely remarkable: the stuff exploded in a big flash of light and disappeared! But when he dried it without the use of sunlight it didn't disappear.

Hudson was a very successful farmer and businessman so he could afford to have an expensive assay of the material done by a professor at New York's Cornell University. The stuff turned out to contain gold, silver, iron and aluminum, among other things. However, the gold and silver did not dissolve in fluid, as is usually the case. The iron and aluminum also did not dissolve in various acids and in their isolated form, they formed a strange black matter.

One by one the elements were isolated. Until the standard tests revealed there should be nothing left. But there was something left - a lot of it, in fact. The scientist told Hudson there was nothing, although after removal of the individual elements a staggering 98% of the material was still left! Hudson had spent a lot of money on the analyses and left the university completely disappointed in academic science.

Dissatisfied but determined, Hudson sought out a German expert who, together with him, was willing to analyze the stuff further and build special machinery to do this. The assays showed that it contained various precious elements such as platinum and variants thereof, like rhodium, iridium, ruthenium and osmium.

The tests also showed that this material reacted differently to various heat and cold treatments. The time period to which they exposed the stuff to hot or cold temperatures also produced different results. The turning point was at 70 seconds heat treatment. When Hudson stopped the process at 69 seconds the powder contained no precious elements, yet at 70 seconds or over it did.

Hudson then went to a specialist at the University of Iowa. They conducted several experiments and once again produced the most amazing results. The material expressions of the stuff magically changed depending on the degree of warming or cooling they subjected it to. Among these forms were a white powder but also glass. Elements such as iron spontaneously disappeared or morphed into other elements. The material also changed weight, particularly when exposed to air.

Hudson was advised to patent these elements to prevent others from using his findings and keep him from experimenting further. In March of 1988 Hudson patented these elements which he called Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements, or ORMEs. This has become known as Ormus and stands for what are twelve known elements which exist both in a material and an immaterial, energetic form.

Hudson found this out by getting in touch with one of the American pioneers of quantum physics, Hal Puthoff. Puthoff explained to him the strange phenomena associated with Ormus. Ormus elements are capable of losing their material form under the influence of warmth and sunlight, making them no longer subject to the laws of gravity and even capable of dissolving into sunlight. This is what Hudson had witnessed when he dried the material in the hot sun. The Ormus had literally become one with the light and transferred to another dimension in which there is no space-time. By cooling it down, he learned to bring back the stuff to the exact place where he had laid it to dry, back to the material world of space-time in which we live.

Ormus is a superconductor. These elements resonate with the primal energy, the zero point from which all life originates and which is a quantum potential of possibilities. Ormus is one with this endless source of energy, which can be found in the air, the soil, plants, stones and the sea. Hudson even showed by dissecting animal brains that they too contained Ormus. According to Hudson our brains contain at least 5% Ormus. This percentage can be raised considerably if we take in food and water with a high Ormus content.

It is exactly these foods that are so sadly lacking today. Hudson refers to Ormus as 'the light of life' and 'the Spirit'. He claims it not only makes us more spiritual but that it's capable of correcting DNA too. Now think of the experiments the alchemists carried out in which they tried to change metals into gold and made a white powder out of gold. The church persecuted, tortured and killed these people. What did they know that we're not supposed to know? The ancient Egyptians also knew. Gold has always been the true money and has remained so to this day. But the true value of gold may well be medicinal and spiritual instead of material.

There are, unfortunately, dark and powerful forces at work which are trying to keep us from realizing our true potential, our true evolution to a higher consciousness. They are spreading death energy across the planet. They do so by controlling our food and money supply. They are the inventors of NPK agriculture, which is based on growing crops with a bare minimum of three elements: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). This technique came out of the successes they had had in World War One with nitrogen bombs. Plants grown with NPK cannot survive in nature because she sends a 'clean-up crew' of insects and fungi to dispose of these weak organisms. That's why the crops are 'treated' with pesticides, which in turn are a variation of nerve gas.

Thus an unnatural product is kept artificially alive using war chemistry. As a result, we develop a structural mineral (and therefore Ormus) deficiency and ingest dangerous toxins which mess with our hormonal and nervous system. The diseases caused by this are then 'treated' with even more war-based chemicals. Like chemo therapy, for instance, which is nothing more than a variation of mustard gas.

Genetic engineering of crops such as corn, cotton, canola and soy is done to alter the natural genetic blueprint of these crops so they can be patented. This is done by making the plant sick using a cancer or virus to penetrate the plant's DNA. Animals don't fare much better. Millions of cows, pigs and chickens are kept in circumstances which would normally cause the animals to drop dead on their feet. Yet with medication, growth hormones and synthetic minerals they are kept alive long enough to be sent to the slaughter house. This process happens so quickly that many animals are skinned alive. The suffering of these animals defies description and you end up with sick plants and animals and death energy on your plate. Is this the kind of 'food' you'd like to eat? Is it any wonder only 5% of the world population are free thinkers?

Experiments show that Ormus is most abundant in the sea. Not so strange when you consider that sea water covers 70% of the earth's surface and is the primal soup of all life on this planet. All known and unknown minerals on this planet are concentrated in sea water. Grow your own veggies and fruit with these building blocks of life using diluted ocean water or sea salt. If you want to find out more about this, check out these two pages I wrote for NaturalNews:



Ormus is available in its isolated form for growing plants:


Ormus is also available for human consumption:


Eat as many raw and untreated natural products from good soil and grown with love. Drink wild water from streams in forests that comes up on its own volition. Expose yourself to the healing powers of sunlight by gazing into the sun with your eyes closed and palms outstretched. Breathe in as much forest air and sea air as possible.

In short, expose yourself to as much Ormus as possible. These are the known Ormus elements:

* Cobalt

* Nickel

* Copper

* Ruthenium

* Rhodium

* Palladium

* Silver

* Osmium

* Iridium

* Platinum

* Gold

* Mercury

Those who want to know more about Ormus should check out Barry Carter's webpage:


Ormus is life energy. This is sorely needed as a counterweight to the death energy we are exposed to daily through our food, our drinking water, our 'medicines', electromagnetic fields and radioactivity due to the use of depleted uranium by a flourishing war industry. This negative energy keeps us sick and dumb.

But it doesn't have to be like this. Remember that the force of life is always stronger than the force of death and darkness is merely the absence of light. All you need to do is surround yourself by the light. It's all around and inside you.

About the author

Mike Donkers is an English teacher from the Netherlands who started taking care of his own health in October 2006 because doctors couldn't help him. His interest in the connection between food and health has led to more in-depth research, particularly in the role sea minerals can have in the regeneration of cells. He is also a self-taught guitarist and singer. He is the songwriter and frontman of his own band, The Mellotones (www.nubluz.com).

zondag 14 november 2010

Facebook | God's Princess Animal Crosspost

Facebook | God's Princess Animal Crosspost

can you pls support my little
friend's page, she is an indigo or crystal child wanting to help save
the animals on fb, learning to be an animal activist, and this is her
page, and can you share it please?? tks so much

Facebook | God'srainbowwarriors Earthkeepers

Facebook | God'srainbowwarriors Earthkeepers

can you pls support my little friend's page, she is an indigo or crystal child wanting to help save the animals on fb, learning to be an animal activist, and this is her page, and can you share it please?? tks so much


Ocean of Plastic

zaterdag 13 november 2010



Dan Burisch was a member of MJ12, being groomed since birth, more or less. An abductee,contactee and one of the few humans to actually work with ets, namely a J-Rod, which is apparently a version of us, but 45000 or 52000 years in the future, who came back to try and...well,you read his story, in his book "Eagles Disobey"...when i looked yesterday ebay had 1 copy @ $248
..."For many years before this, Marcia had mounted a campaign to get Dan free from Majestic, but it was stopped at every turn. Eventually Marcia gathered support from inside the BlackOps community, and these insiders did what they could to help. Many of those insiders disappeared, and some even lost their lives in the process, but after years of struggle, Dan was still a virtual prisoner - unable to move freely, see whom he wished, or live any kind of a normal life.

Majestic pulled out all the stops, even moving him half way across the country after employing cutting-edge technology to suppress his memories about his struggle to be free (more about that in Dan's short biography - below), in order to keep him "in line". They finally discovered that a person's spirit cannot be defeated when that person demands their freedom, and is willing to die rather than give in. This forced them to change their tactics. They returned Dan back to Las Vegas and allowed limited contact between he and Marcia. This worked for a while, but Dan was not about to live the rest of his life this way. Eventually they inducted Marcia into Majestic, to make it possible for them to work together on various projects, and to loose the restrictions on his movements. Clearly, Marcia was being moved into position slowly, but for what, they did not know. Marcia began to have opportunities to move into restricted areas, was given unprecedented access to archival and documentary material, and was eventually brought in farther and farther to the BlackOps community.

Finally, after a number of years, Marcia recieved a set of orders from the head of Majestic, that instructed Dan and she to "Tell the World" the truth about the extraterrestrial presence here on Earth, exactly as Dan knew it from personal experience and his interaction with the J-Rod that was housed in the lab facilities beneath S-4. Majestic was retiring to this purpose in advance of the change over of power to the new group. Dan and Marcia had a specific amount of time to accomplish this task, and then if successful, they both could be retired from Majestic, and go on to enjoy the rest of their personal lives.

One day, while looking through images of Mars in the NSSDC (NASA gallery) Dan spotted something that looked like another face on the Martian surface, in the area called "Inca City". During 1997 and 1998 Dan worked with Marcia McDowell on a book called "Eagles Disobey: The Case for Inca City, Mars". The fact that he was writing this book, and finding an amazing number of anomalies in this previously ignored region, had many in Majestic sitting up and taking notice. They again pressed him for information about what the J-Rod shared with him, and whether it had anything to do with his discoveries. Dan still refused to tell them anything. Then NASA announced that they had discovered evidence of life in a Martian meteorite, which Dan reviewed and found suspiciously similar to a small microbe discovered by one of the NASA panelists 30 years previously in Australia, and immediately went on record challenging NASA's announcement.

As our work grew closer to publication, and became more volatile, the threats started. It was a very difficult time, as both Dan and I were afraid for ourselves as well as our loved ones, but we decided to push forward, regardless of the risk. Finally the Committee of the Majority (the body that had superceded Majestic-12 for a time, ending in approx. 2002) utterly frustrated with Dan's refusal to be stopped, issued a demand that Dan stop his work on the book. We later learned that they were afraid of how close we were coming to issues concerning the doctrine of convergent time line paradox (the problems that had been caused by the J-Rods who were using their technology to travel back in time, and thereby creating overlaying time anomalies). Of course, Dan refused. The book was published and released in late 1998. Almost immediately the Committee took action against Dan, causing his Ph.D degree to be vacated. (This was not all that difficult for them, since Majestic had brokered the deal for his schooling to the Ph.D level in the first place, so they controlled the 'playing field'.) The loss of his credential hit Dan so hard that he suffered a heart attack and was hospitalized."...from https://www.eaglesdisobey.net/bio.htm ..namaste...b.

Big Pharma to begin microchipping drugs

Big Pharma to begin microchipping drugs

NaturalNews) The age of pharmaceutical microchipping is now upon us. Novartis AG, one of the largest drug companies in the world, has
announced a plan to begin embedding microchips in medications to create
"smart pill" technology.

The microchip technology is being licensed from Proteus Biomedical of Redwood City, California. Once
activated by stomach acid, the embedded microchip begins sensing its
environment and broadcasting data to a receiver worn by the patient.
This receiver is also a transmitter that can send the data over the
internet to a doctor.

The idea behind all this is to create "smart pills" that can sense what's happening in the body and deliver
that information to the patient's doctor. Novartis plans to start
microchipping its organ transplant anti-rejection drugs and then
potentially expand microchipping to other pharmaceuticals in its product
lineup. This same technology could soon end up in pills made by other
drug companies, too.

The best laid plans...

It all sounds good on the surface, but NaturalNews readers no doubt have lots of
skeptical questions about this technology. For starters, Novartis
apparently isn't planning on conducting any clinical trials that might
take into account the safety issues of swallowing microchips. "Novartis
does not expect to have to conduct full-scale clinical trials to prove
the new products work," reports Reuters. "Instead, it aims to do
so-called bioequivalence tests to show they are the same as the
original." (http://www.reuters.com/article/idUS...)

But I have a question: What chemicals or heavy metals are contained in the
microchip itself? A microchip that transmits data obviously must have a
power source, meaning it needs to have a very small battery or capacitor
of some sort. The materials used in capacitors and batteries, to my
knowledge, are toxic to the human body and should never be eaten.

Microchips are not food, and to swallow them seems risky to your health, especially if you're swallowing several microchips per day.

Data privacy

Another huge concern with microchips that transmit data is data privacy. If these microchips are broadcasting information, then obviously that
information can be picked up by anything nearby, including potentially
unscrupulous individuals or organizations who might put it to a
nefarious use.

For example, suppose a local pharmacy store installs a microchip signal detector in their main door entrance in
order to track people who are broadcasting medication data. They could
then theoretically decode that data and use it to determine what health
condition that customer might be suffering and then push competing
generic pharmaceuticals as a replacement.

Government agents could carry "pharma microchip scanners" that determine what pills you're
taking right now. This could be used to violate your privacy by sharing
that data with other government agencies or it could even be sold off to
third-party marketing companies.

I very much doubt the data being broadcast by the microchips in these pills will be encrypted because encryption requires real processing power, and there isn't room
for much of a CPU or power source inside these tiny microchips. Most
likely, they are going to broadcast raw signal data that can be detected and decoded quite easily.

Remember to take your meds

But the really scary part about these microchipped medications is that this technology will be used to make sure people are taking their medication. Drug companies lose billions of dollars a year (in their minds) from
patients not remembering to take their pills. Of course, half the reason
they can't remember to take their pills is because many pharmaceuticals damage cognitive function, but that's another story.

So this smart-pill microchip technology will likely be used to track what
pills patients have taken so that they can be "gently reminded" to take
more pills they may have forgotten. In the marketing business, this is
called a "continuity program." It's a way to make sure repeat sales
happen on a regular basis.

In this context, microchipping the pills benefits the drug companies, not necessarily the patients. This is especially true when considering
those pharmaceuticals that are harmful to human health -- and we all
know the pharmaceutical market is full of pills that have later been
found to be extremely dangerous or even deadly (Vioxx, anyone?).

Coming soon: Police drug scanners and employer drug scanners

Now, there may be one interesting side effect to all this: Employers who are
interviewing potential job candidates might be able to buy (or make)
simple drug scanning devices that detect the presence of a
pharmaceutical microchip broadcast signal. (You could probably make one
in your garage from electronic parts purchased at Radio Shack.)

This might be very useful for employers who don't want to hire people taking medications. They invite you in for an interview and quietly scan for drug broadcast
data. A red light tells them you're broadcasting medication data, and
they calmly tell you the interview is over and "we'll get back to you."

With employers right now drowning in health insurance costs, this could
provide a simple, easy way for corporations to avoid taking on anyone
who might create a cost burden on their health insurance plans (from
their point of view). I don't necessarily agree with this use of the
technology; I'm just saying this is one way in which it is likely to be
used by employers to screen out employees who are on medications.

Cops, too, could use a similar scanning device to determine if a driver at the scene of an accident might be medication impaired. Now this is a use I actually do agree with. Today's roadways are filled with mentally impaired drivers who are doped up on medications. The problem is actually far worse than
drunk drivers, by the way, and yet virtually nothing is being done to
combat this problem of "medicated drivers." (Most people don't even know
the problem exists.)

If people taking medications are broadcasting that fact through all the little microchips they swallow,
then scanning for the presence of medications is simple. It's even
easier than a breathalyzer test because it requires no action on the
part of the test subject. The cop just presses a button, waits two
seconds, and can then determine whether you're broadcasting medication
data. At that point, you might be arrested under suspicion of "driving
while medicated."

Another reason not to take meds

There are clearly a lot of unanswered questions and even some potential risks
involved in taking microchipped pharmaceuticals. For some people,
privacy issues may be the biggest factor of all, because who wants to
broadcast the fact that they're taking meds in the first place?

I don't take any pharmaceuticals, obviously, and most NaturalNews readers
avoid them, too. The fact that drugs will soon be microchipped is yet
another good reason to find more holistic ways to take care of your
health. Don't bet your life (and your privacy) on Big Pharma's pills.
Choose a healthy, holistic lifestyle based on nutritious, organic foods,
regular exercise and the avoidance of all man-made (synthetic)
chemicals, and you most likely won't ever need pharmaceuticals for your
entire life.

The age of microchipping people and microchipping medications is now upon us. Given what the TSA is doing right now with
naked body scanners (http://www.naturalnews.com/030100_n...), you can only imagine what Big Brother will do with any medication data you might be broadcasting from inside your body.

In fact, the very idea that there is a microchip inside your body that's
broadcasting data might get you flagged as a possible terrorist by the
TSA, which would then proceed to finger your genitals and palm your
breasts as part of their new "enhanced pat-down" groping technique. (http://www.naturalnews.com/030302_T...)

The best way to avoid all this risk is to simply eat your veggies and drink your superfoods. Don't become a trackable, traceable,
microchipped subject of the medical industry that wants to turn your
body into a chemical profit center.

donderdag 11 november 2010

Gaia Oneness Meditation for 11:11

Gaia Oneness Meditation for 11:11

Gaia Oneness Meditation for 11:11

Find a comfortable and quiet place to relax. If you have a sound track of the ocean or water flowing put it on.

Breathe deeply in a 4×4 pattern: inhale four counts, hold four counts, exhale four counts, hold four counts.

Center yourself in your Heart Chakra. Breathe in the Golden Light of the Christ-Consciousness. Feel it fill your Heart Chakra with Golden Healing Love. Exhale any negative energy in the form of thoughts or emotions you may have.

Breathe in the Golden Light. Feel your Heart Chakra expand to include all of your body and subtle bodies. You are in the center of a Golden Ball of Healing from the Christ-Consciousness. Breathe out any negative energy you may encounter.

You are ONE with the Golden Ball of Healing. The Golden Light flows from the Christ-Consciousness through your Heart Chakra and, through your Compassion, flows outward.

Breathe in the Golden Light. Feel the Golden Ball of Healing Energy expand to include your immediate surroundings. Feel the Web of Life around you. Any negative energy in your immediate environment is touched by your Compassion and, as you breathe out, it is sent to Higher Beings who can transmute it into positive energy for the Greatest Good of All, under the Law of One and the Christ-Consciousness.

Breathe in the Golden Light. Feel the Golden Ball of Healing Energy expand outwards to touch the waters of Mother Earth. You are ONE with the waters of the Earth. Feel the Golden Light of Healing travel through the life-blood of Gaia outwards connecting all the waters of the Earth. With your Compassion, breathe out the negative energy to those who can transmute it into energy to clean the waters.

Breathe in the Golden Light. Feel the Golden Ball of Healing Energy expand outwards from the waters to the land of Mother Earth. You are ONE with the land of the Earth. Feel the Golden Light of Healing travel outwards through the body of Gaia. With your Compassion, breathe out the negative energy to those who can transmute it into energy to clean the land.

Breathe in the Golden Light. Feel the Golden Ball of Healing Energy expand upwards from the waters and the land to the atmosphere of Mother Earth. You are ONE with the sky above Earth. Feel the Golden Light of Healing travel outwards through the breath of Gaia. With your Compassion, breathe out the negative energy to those who can transmute it into energy to clean the air.

Breathe in the Golden Light. Feel the Golden Ball of Healing Energy expand outwards through the water, land and air to all the Children of Mother Earth. You are ONE with all Life. Feel the Golden Light of Healing travel outwards through Gaia’s Web of Life. With your Compassion, breathe out the negative energy to those who can transmute it into energy to ease the suffering of all Creation’s Children.

Breathe in. Hold. Breathe out. Hold. Feel the pulse of Life in your Breathing. Know that you are ONE with all life: Gaia’s Children. Know that you are ONE with the air: Gaia’s Breath. Know that you are ONE with the land: Gaia’s Body. Know that you are ONE with the water: Gaia’s Blood.

Know that with this understanding, you become ONE with Gaia’s Spirit: ONE with ALL THAT IS.

Come back into your center, knowing that through your Compassion, the Golden Light of Healing from the Christ-Consciousness has transmuted suffering to joy and pain to contentment.

Open your eyes. The meditation is over, but always treasures the feeling of connection through the Golden Light. You are ONE with ALL.


Skull and Bones History

Skull and Bones History