Gaia Oneness Meditation for 11:11
Find a comfortable and quiet place to relax. If you have a sound track of the ocean or water flowing put it on.
Breathe deeply in a 4×4 pattern: inhale four counts, hold four counts, exhale four counts, hold four counts.
Center yourself in your Heart Chakra. Breathe in the Golden Light of the Christ-Consciousness. Feel it fill your Heart Chakra with Golden Healing Love. Exhale any negative energy in the form of thoughts or emotions you may have.
Breathe in the Golden Light. Feel your Heart Chakra expand to include all of your body and subtle bodies. You are in the center of a Golden Ball of Healing from the Christ-Consciousness. Breathe out any negative energy you may encounter.
You are ONE with the Golden Ball of Healing. The Golden Light flows from the Christ-Consciousness through your Heart Chakra and, through your Compassion, flows outward.
Breathe in the Golden Light. Feel the Golden Ball of Healing Energy expand to include your immediate surroundings. Feel the Web of Life around you. Any negative energy in your immediate environment is touched by your Compassion and, as you breathe out, it is sent to Higher Beings who can transmute it into positive energy for the Greatest Good of All, under the Law of One and the Christ-Consciousness.
Breathe in the Golden Light. Feel the Golden Ball of Healing Energy expand outwards to touch the waters of Mother Earth. You are ONE with the waters of the Earth. Feel the Golden Light of Healing travel through the life-blood of Gaia outwards connecting all the waters of the Earth. With your Compassion, breathe out the negative energy to those who can transmute it into energy to clean the waters.
Breathe in the Golden Light. Feel the Golden Ball of Healing Energy expand outwards from the waters to the land of Mother Earth. You are ONE with the land of the Earth. Feel the Golden Light of Healing travel outwards through the body of Gaia. With your Compassion, breathe out the negative energy to those who can transmute it into energy to clean the land.
Breathe in the Golden Light. Feel the Golden Ball of Healing Energy expand upwards from the waters and the land to the atmosphere of Mother Earth. You are ONE with the sky above Earth. Feel the Golden Light of Healing travel outwards through the breath of Gaia. With your Compassion, breathe out the negative energy to those who can transmute it into energy to clean the air.
Breathe in the Golden Light. Feel the Golden Ball of Healing Energy expand outwards through the water, land and air to all the Children of Mother Earth. You are ONE with all Life. Feel the Golden Light of Healing travel outwards through Gaia’s Web of Life. With your Compassion, breathe out the negative energy to those who can transmute it into energy to ease the suffering of all Creation’s Children.
Breathe in. Hold. Breathe out. Hold. Feel the pulse of Life in your Breathing. Know that you are ONE with all life: Gaia’s Children. Know that you are ONE with the air: Gaia’s Breath. Know that you are ONE with the land: Gaia’s Body. Know that you are ONE with the water: Gaia’s Blood.
Know that with this understanding, you become ONE with Gaia’s Spirit: ONE with ALL THAT IS.
Come back into your center, knowing that through your Compassion, the Golden Light of Healing from the Christ-Consciousness has transmuted suffering to joy and pain to contentment.
Open your eyes. The meditation is over, but always treasures the feeling of connection through the Golden Light. You are ONE with ALL.
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