Inventor Drives Car 3,000 Miles on Nothing But Water
By Grant Lawrence (Reporter)
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Tue Dec 07 2010 02:21
The vehicle in the video below supposedly went on a 3,000 mile road trip running only on water.
...Inventor Frederick W. Wood, and his associate, David Seigler, from Future Energy Concepts, Inc., give a video tour of the pickup truck that they claim to have converted to run on nothing but hydroxy gas, electrolyzed on-board, and on-demand, via a super-efficient electrolysis (from water) method they have developed. Their system allegedly produces 55 liters per minute on 55 amps. They also say the truck recently completed a road trip of more than 3000 miles, running on this set-up...(youtube)
Supposedly the inventor is willing to give away the basic design. He is doing it for the planet and so "our children can stop dying."
Read more at Grant Lawrence
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